Thursday, December 14, 2006

She blinded me with Science!

The following tidbits were discussed last weekend with a small group of friends. It's mostly science stuff that I'm following up with links to confirm or expand on the things I talked about.

We were watching MythBusters and they had a Lifter on the show and I said that it is an example of ionic propulsion. Which then lead to a discussion of ion engines. Yes, NASA has launched a space craft with a ion engine. It was called Deep Space I; it launched in October 1998 and was retired in December 2001. I would to love to know why it was retired, what it's max speed was, and how far from Earth did it make it.
Anyway, back to Lifters; while most people might avoid Wikipedia I like it because it reads well and at the end of most entries are a list of sources with links. Anyone who has a problem with Wikipedia can skip right down to the links.

Next came the uses of magnets in MythBusters (we are all big fans of the show). JP said that Dr. M (physics prof. that we all took for Physics II) said that there are one pole magnets. This conversation was really short lived. I said that Dr. M is an idiot and Kirk explained that without two poles there would be no magnetic field and without a magnetic field the "magnet" would not be magnetic. Okay, it is possible that Dr. M was talking about a Halbach Array, this is a magnet setup so that one pole is on top and the other pole is on the sides. This leaves the bottom with no or very little magnetic effect. However, I'm sticking with my Dr. M is an idiot hypothesis because there is a big difference between a Halbach Array and a magnet with only one pole, and as a teaching professor he should be able to explain that.

There were undoubtedly more science related things talked about but I can't think was anything else that might deserve comment here.