Showing posts with label development. Show all posts
Showing posts with label development. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 01, 2022

Validation and Verification

Large software developments need as many checks and balances as possible to ensure a quality product. One proven technique is the use of an organization independent of the development team to conduct validation and verification (V&V). Validation is the process of examining each intermediate product of software development to ensure that it conforms to the previous product. For example, validation ensures that software requirements meet system requirements, that high-level software design satisfies all the software requirements (and none other), that algorithms satisfy the component's external specification, that code implements the algorithms, and so on. Verification is the process of examining each intermediate product of software development to ensure that it satisfies the requirements.

You can think of V&V as a solution to the children's game of telephone. In telephone, a group of children form a chain and a specific oral message is whispered down the line. At the end, the last child tells what he or she heard, and it is rarely the same as the initial message. Validation would cause each child to ask the previous child, "Did you say x?" Verification would cause each child to ask the first child, "Did you say x?"

On a project, V&V should be planned early. It can be documented in the quality assurance plan or it can exist in a separate V&V plan. In either case, its procedures, players, actions, and results should be approved at roughly the same time the software requirements specification is approved.


Wallace, D. and Fujii, R., "Software Verification and Validation: An Overview," IEEE Software, May 1989.

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Community Adoption of New Practices

Community discussion at Tech Conference

Community adoption of new practices can mean a lot of things.  From getting a small team to try a new methodology or tool to convincing the world that a product or service is needed.

In 1996, Robert Metcalfe was awarded the IEEE Medal of Honor for "exemplary and sustained leadership in the development, standardization, and commercialization of Ethernet." The story of how Ethernet came to be follows the 8 steps of essential practices below. I've added headings for what departments typically handles each practice in a large company. You don't have to have different people or departments. I find it helpful to get into the mindset of each role when implementing a specific task.

  • Product Management
    • Sensing -- giving voice to a concern over a breakdown in the community
    • Envisioning -- design a compelling story about a future without the breakdown
  • Development
    • Offering -- committing to do the work to produce that feature
  • Sales
    • Adopting -- gaining commitments from early adopters to join the innovation for a trial period
    • Sustaining -- gaining commitments from majority adopters to join the innovation for an indefinite period
  • Implementation
    • Embodying -- working with the community until the new practice is fully embodied, ordinary, and transparent
    • Navigating -- moving ever closer to the goal despite surprises, contingencies, and obstacles
  • Marketing
    • Mobilizing -- building a network of supporters of the innovation from within dispersed communities
Many times over my career I've been assigned the job of getting multiple software development teams to adopt a practice; coding standards, secure coding practices, SOX requirements, architectural guidelines, etc. Eventually, the above 8 practices were performed but not always in an order that was useful. I got better with experience, but my life would have been easier if I would have had those practices written down to guide me. To make notes against. And to revisit when progress was slow or stopped. I hope you'll save the above list and use it for your future innovations.


Denning, P., "Avalanches Make Us All innovators," Communications of the ACM, Vol. 63, No. 9 (Sept 2020), 32 - 34.

Sorry, I don't have a reference for Metcalfe's Ethernet story. I heard him talk about it at a conference in 2015 or 2016.

Tuesday, September 03, 2019

Problem Solving

Beware of the person who knows all the answers:
Suppose two politicians are running for president, and one goes through the farm section and is asked, "What are you going to do about the farm question?" And he knows right away - bang, bang, bang. Now he goes to the next campaigner who comes through. "What are you going to do on the farm problem?" "Well, I don't know. I used to be a general, and I don't know anything about farming. But it seems to me it must be a very difficult problem, because for twelve, fifteen, twenty years people have been struggling with it, and people say that they know how to solve the farm problem. And it must be a hard problem. So the way I intend to solve the farm problem is to gather around me a lot of people who know something about it, to look at all the experience that we have had with this problem before, to take a certain amount of time at it, and then to come to some conclusion in a reasonable way about it. Now, I can't tell you ahead of time what solution, but I can give you some of the principles I'll try to use - not to make things difficult for individual farmers, if there are any special problems we will have to have some way to take care of them," etc., etc., etc.
Now such a man would never get anywhere in this country, I think. It's never been tried, anyway. This is in the attitude of mind of the populace, that they have to have an answer and that a man who gives an answer is better than a man who gives no answer, when the real fact of the matter is, in most cases, it is the other way around. And the result of this of course is that the politician must give an answer. And the result of this is that political promises can never be kept. It is a mechanical fact; it is impossible. The result of that is that nobody believes campaign promises. And the result of that is a general disparaging of politics, a general lack of respect for the people who are trying to solve problems, and so forth. It's all generated from the very beginning (maybe - this is a simple analysis). It's all generated, maybe, by the fact that the attitude of the populace is to try to find the answer instead of trying to find a man who has a way of getting at the answer.
 —Richard Feynman
And make sure that person is not you.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Write Programs For People First

People are your most valuable resource.
In the early days of computing, computers were relatively slow. Almost anything that could be done to shave off a few instructions was worth the effort. The most efficient use of any of the resources on the very expensive computer system was the major goal. Things have changed. The most valuable resources is now people: people to develop the software, people to maintain the software, and people to enhance capability. With few application exceptions, programmers should think first of the people who will later attempt to understand and adapt the software. Anything that can be done to assist them should be done.1 Efficiency is also important,2 but they are not mutually exclusive. If you need efficiency, that's fine but upgrade the readability of your program so that you don't lose the humans in the process.

  1. Avoid Tricks
    Avoid Global Variables
    Write To Read Top-Down
    Avoid Side-Effects
    Use Meaningful Names
  2. Evaluate Alternatives
    Use Efficient Algorithms
    Get It Right Before You Make It Faster

McConnell, S., Code Complete, Redmond, WA: Microsoft Press, 1993.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Use Meaningful Names

Name tag that says, "Hello. My name is foobar." (posted by Jerry Yoakum)

Some programmers insist on naming variables with names like nflt or nFlight. The usual argument is that it makes programmers more productive because of reduced key presses. Good programmers should spend a very small percentage of their time typing (maybe 10 to 15 percent); most time should be spent thinking. So how much time is really being saved?

A better argument is that overly shortened names actually decrease productivity. There are two reasons:
  1. Testing and maintenance costs rise because people spend time trying to decode names, and
  2. more time is spent typing comments to explain the shortened names!

Ledgard, H., Programming Proverbs, Rochelle Park, NJ: Hayden Book Company, 1975.

Avoid Side-Effects

Pill bottle describing several bad side-effects; such as, nausea, headache, bleeding, etc.

A side-effect of a procedure is something the procedure does that is not its main purpose and that is visible (or whose results are perceivable) from outside the procedure. Side-effects are the sources of many subtle errors in software, that is, the ones that are the most latent and the ones that are most difficult to discover once their symptoms manifest themselves.

Ledgard, H., Programming Proverbs, Rochelle Park, NJ: Hayden Book Company, 1975.

Thursday, December 06, 2018

Avoid Global Variables

Global variables make it hard to find out what code broke the system.

Global variables make it convenient to write programs; after all, if you need to access or change x, you just do it. Unfortunately, if x is ever accessed and found to have an inappropriate value, it is difficult to determine which software component is at fault. "Global" implies that anybody could have altered its value incorrectly.

As an alternative, encapsulate important data in its own module, so that anybody who wants to change it or access it must do so by means of that routine. Alternatively, explicitly pass parameters to routines that need specific data. If you find an excessive number of parameters, perhaps your design needs to be reworked.

Ledgard, H., Programming Practice, Vol II, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1987.

Wednesday, December 05, 2018

Avoid Tricks

Obscure programming results in software that takes longer to make and maintain.

Many programmers love to create programs with tricks. These are constructs that perform a function correctly, but in a particularly obscure manner. Typically, they use a side-effect of a function to implement a primary function. Programmers see these as "clever," but, as Allen Macro points out, they "are often merely the stupid use of high intelligence."
    There are many ways to explain why tricks are used so often:
  1. Programmers are extremely intelligent and want to demonstrate that intelligence.
  2. Maintainers, when they finally figure out how the trick works, will not only recognize how smart the original programmer was, but also will realize how smart they themselves are.
  3. Job security.
Bottom line: Show the world how smart you are by avoiding tricky code!

Macro, A., Software Engineering: Concepts and Management, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall International, 1990.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Store Requirements in a Database

Use a database to facilitate making changes to requirements.

Keep in mind that the follow quote is from 1995. It is still completely relevant.
Requirements are complex and highly volatile. For these reasons, storing them in electronic media, preferably a database, is a good idea. This will facilitate making changes, finding implications of changes, recording attributes of specific requirements, and so on.
      Some of the things you want to store in the database are unique identifier (Separately Number Every Requirement), the text of the requirement, its relationship to other requirements (such as more abstract or more detailed descriptions of the requirement), importance (Prioritize Requirements), expected volatility, pointers to its sources (Record Why Requirements Were Included), applicable product versions (Identify Subsets and Give Every Intermediate Product a Name and Version*), and so on. Ideally, the requirements specification itself is nothing but an organized "dump" of the entire database.
I have used JIRA. There are many tools like it. They can do all of the above, but it is up to the person creating a ticket in JIRA to ensure those things are done. I think they are really important so I'm going to list them again.
  • Create the ticket in a backlog or project that is unique. Do not lump unrelated tickets together. This will result in a "fatlog" - a fat backlog that is difficult to groom and manage.
  • The text of the requirement goes in the "description". The "summary" is not where the requirement should be detailed. Personally, I think systems like JIRA should not allow tickets that have no description to be saved. Engineers should refuse to estimate such tickets and Product Owners who create them should be ashamed.
  • JIRA has a feature to link tickets. Use it. If there is a dependency then utilize the sub-task feature. Make a story that encapsulates both tickets and make them linked sub-tasks. Use the system to track if everything for that requirement is actually done.
  • Order the tickets by importance. There can only be one highest priority and it at the top.
  • Use comments to document the sources/stakeholders for a ticket. Do not use comments to have a discussion about a ticket. Email, call, instance message, etc with the people involved. If you absolutely must use the comments section of a ticket to have a discussion then clean it up later. Delete anything that will mislead people reading the ticket. If you want to save the history then move that stuff into a document and attach it to the ticket with a title that makes it clear that it is for history and it is not the requirement. The actual requirement is in the description.
  • Ensure that you put what product the ticket applies to either in the summary or the description. You might be inclined to think that it is clear by where the ticket sits. For example, the ticket is in the product A backlog. Invariability, someone is going to get confused and try to work that ticket for product C which is really similar to product A. I've also seen people accidentally move a ticket to a different backlog then not be able to figure out where it belonged.
  • If you can't take the issues in a JIRA backlog and print them out in order and call that your software requirements specification (SRS) then your backlog is a mess and you have some work todo.

6 Tips to Make Your Backlog Lean

Monday, November 26, 2018

Self-Destruct TBDs

All TODO and TBD notes should have a specific person responsible for resolving them.

A software requirements specification (SRS) with a TODO or TBD (To Be Determined) note is obviously not complete. There may be good reasons for approving and starting work on a project with a TBDs in the specification. This is particularly true for requirements whose precision are not critical to fundamental design decisions.

When you create a TBD, be sure to footnote it with a "self-destruction note," that is, specify who will resolve the TBD and by when.

IEEE, ANSI/IEEE Guide to Software Requirements Specifications, IEEE Computer Society Press, Washington, DC, 1994.

Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Quality is #1

A product with poor quality should not be tolerated. Delivering a product at the cost of quality should only be accepted in the short-term. If you are using Agile Methodologies, in the span of a sprint, it is acceptable to deliver what you have at the end of the sprint. This will allow for continued progress and enable the gathering of valuable feedback. However, it is political suicide to continue to deliver a product with poor quality. If there is a quality issue then change your roadmap and milestones to address the quality issue.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Not Even In The Same Ballpark

Not so long ago, a new Product Manager told me that she also is a programmer... a software engineer. She implied that if she wanted she could be part of the development team. She had just started and I had no reason not to believe her and accepted it as an interesting side note and went on. As time has gone by it has become increasingly apparent that this individual was never a software engineer in the way that my peers are. The comparison is almost offensive in the stark difference and extreme lack of understanding of what a software engineer does.

To anyone reading this:
Please do not say that you are part of someone else's group unless you truly know about that person's group. I've brewed beer and cider a handful of times. I've even had the lucky experience of brewing some stuff that is better than some store bought stuff. But I would never call myself a brewer in the presence of someone like Sam Calagione or Jamil Zainasheff. I've never brewed commercially and have no concept of the constraints involved, and I don't have near the same range of experiences. Notice the difference in tone the following two statements have:
  • I'm a brewer like you.
  • I've brewed at home.
If they both seem innocuous then here are some example responses, respectively:
  • Oh yeah, what bars are serving your beer?
    • Since I have never brewed commercially, I do not grok the need for high efficiency sparging, dealing with distribution laws, etc.
  • That's cool. What is your favorite style.
    • I love Bock beer. And Belgium style. And Kolsch. And Scotch ale. And, oh man, Southern Tier's Creme Brulee stout is just epic. But I mostly make cider because I'm decent at it.
Of course, those responses could go any number of ways but the point is that you can share that you have some shared experience without implying your of the same level. Especially, when you have no idea. Heck, you might be better but you just met so you have no idea.

In short, just be genuine. If you were hired to do a job, focus on that. Don't worry about trying to "fit in" with people in other roles.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Managing Technical Debt

Technical debt is all the shortcuts that save money or speed up progress today at the risk of costing money or slowing down progress in the future. It is inevitable, and can even be a good thing1 as long as it is managed properly, but this can be difficult. The difficultly comes from many causes, usually has hard-to-predict effects, and almost always involves a gamble about what will happen in the future. Managing technical debt is similar to risk management, and similar techniques can be applied. If technical debt is not managed then it will tend to build up over time until a crisis results. It can be the catalyst to system failure, or a multiplier of failures.

Technical debt can be viewed in multiple ways and can be caused by all levels of a company. It can be managed properly only with the understanding and assistance from all levels. It is extremely important to help nontechnical parties understand the costs that can arise from mismanaging that debt.
  1. Releasing code early to get feedback sooner rather than later can save a company from investing heavily in something that is not desired. Fast feedback helps development stay on track with the customer's desires.

Saturday, February 08, 2014

Web Development Best Practices

The following are techniques for maximizing website performance on mobile devices. Personally, since more and more mobile devices are being used to browse content, I think all Web development should be done against the constraints of mobile. Please don't make a "full website" and a "mobile website". Those setups never look good or function well. Furthermore, redirecting a mobile request to a mobile site is expensive and slow. If you are dead set on the "full website" and "mobile website" configuration then make mobile the default and redirect to the full site if the request is not from a mobile device.

A mobile site needs to compensate when bandwidth or service becomes spotty. In other words, the site needs to be responsive even when the network is not. The same can be said for regular websites. Especially if you are trying to break into areas with questionable Internet service, e.g. Bolivar, Missouri, or questionable firewalls, e.g. China.

Eliminate HTTP Requests and Round Trips

  • Use CSS sprites to represent images embedded as inline data:URLs.
  • Use HTML5 application cache (app cache) to force the browser to cache all the unchanging content.
  • Insert dynamic content in the document via XHR (XMLHttpRequest).
    • Most effective if you can design the prefix of your page to fit into a single packet, 1492 bytes, render a basic framework for the page before any script is executed. To give the user immediate feedback that the page is loading, load the framework of the page as a fade effect by providing an opacity transitions from 0.0001 to 1.0 just after the framework is loaded. If you cannot get the basic framework of your page to fit into the first packet, then you can instead load a spinner or a logo, again as an opacity transition from 0.0001 to 1.0. The spinner or logo should be conditionally loaded after checking whether the app cache is already populated.
      • <script>
          if (window.applicationCache.status == 0) { // Reveal the spinner
        } else {
          // Page was loaded from app cache. Bring out the kitchen sink.
  • Make changes to minimize DNS lookups and redirects.

Use Compression

  • nuff said.

Manage JavaScript Parse Time

  • Move the vast majority of script to the bottom of the page.
  • Allow the browser to load your JavaScript without recognizing it as script and defer parsing and initial evaluation until needed.
    • To do this, set the type of the script to an unrecognized type and change it to text/JavaScript later. For example,
      <script type="deferred" id="module1">
        // deferred code here
      When you are ready to use the script, reference the script tag by the id and change the type. The browser will parse and evaluate the script at that time.

Avoid Layout and Style Calculation

  • Avoid reading properties that rely on the position of elements on the page to be returned. Any such property could cause the browser to recalculate styles on demand and return the value to your script.

Monitor Request Size

  • Reduce the number of cookies you are using.
  • Ideally, all requests should be smaller than a TCP packet.

Preload Components

  • When the odds are good that you know what a user will request next then it is time to preload.
  • This can be seen in Google's Calendar website. The next day's events are loaded as the user clicks through each day, giving the effect that all of the data is already loaded.

Optimize Images

  • It is worth the time and effort to experiment with finding a good balance of image compression vs image quality.

Common Recommendations with Questionable Consequences

Make JavaScript and CSS External?

  • Inlining all your JavaScript and CSS into each webpage will deliver the best results in terms of speed. For maintenance reasons, you could use XHRs to fetch the JavaScript or CSS and the HTML5 database to store the resource for later reuse.

Make AJAX Cacheable?

  • Skip trusting the browser to cache AJAX responses. You're better off to build a full-blown write-through cache layer or a XHR caching layer on top of the HTML5 database.