Monday, October 26, 2020

Use An Appropriate Process Model

Two paths go through the woods. One suitable for a car and the other for a motorcycle.

Dozens of process models are available for software projects to utilize: agile, waterfall, SAFe, throwaway prototyping, incremental development, spiral model, etc. There is no such thing as a process model that works for all projects in an organization. Every project must select a process that makes the most sense for it. The selection should be based on corporate culture, risk willingness, application area, volatility of requirements, and the extent to which requirements are well understood.

Study your project's characteristics and select a process model that makes sense. For example, when building a prototype, you should follow a process that minimizes protocol, facilitates rapid development, and does not worry about checks and balances. When building a life-critical product, the opposite is true.


Alexander, L., and Davis, A., "Criteria for the Selection of a Software Process Model," IEEE COMPSAC '91, Washington, DC: IEEE Computer Society Press.