Jerry Yoakum's thoughts on software engineering and architecture from experience working with code, computer science, python, java, APIs, NASA, data mining, math, etc.
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Separately Number Every Requirement
"It is essential that every requirement in the requirements specification be easily referenceable. This is necessary to enable later tracing to the requirements from the design (Trace Design to Requirements) and from test (Trace Tests to Requirements)."
I recently completed a project where there was not requirements specification document. The requirements were captured in a JIRA project. For anyone using a similar system for requirements tracking, the equivalent principle would be to make a ticket for every requirement. Don't get lazy and lump several requirements into one ticket just because they are related. If they are separate requirements then they need to be tracked as separate tickets.
Gilb, T., "Principles of Software Engineering Management," Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass, 1988.
Springfield, MO, USA