Saturday, November 24, 2018

Specify When Environment Violates "Acceptable" Behavior

Know what to do when things go wrong.

Requirements specifications often define characteristics of the system's environment. This information is used in making intelligent design decisions. It also often implies that the developer is contractually obligated to accommodate such characteristics. What happens after deployment when the environment exceeds the specified limits?

Suppose the requirements for an air traffic controller system specify that the system shall handle up to 100 aircraft in a sector simultaneously. They system is built and correctly satisfies this requirement. Three years later 101 aircraft accidentally enter a sector. What should the software do? The possibilities are:
  1. Print an error message.
  2. Crash.
  3. Ignore the 101st aircraft.
  4. Process all 101 aircraft but perhaps not satisfy some other timing constraint (such as how often the screen is updated).
Obviously, options 1, 2, and 3 are unacceptable. Yet they are valid system responses as (not) stated in the requirements. The right solution is to explicitly state in the software requirements specification (SRS) the expected system response when the environment exceeds any of the constraints defined for it.

Davis, A., Software Requirements: Objects, Functions, and States, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1993.