Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Augment, Never Replace, Natural Language

Augment specification with formal notation but don't replace natural language.

"In an effort to reduce ambiguity in requirements, software developers often decide to use a notation that is more precise than natural language. This is, of course, commendable in that ambiguity is reduced (Reduce Ambiguity in Requirements) by using finite state machines, predicate logic, Petri nets, statecharts, and the like. However, in such an effort, the specification is rendered less understandable by others (Keep the Requirements Specification Readable*) who may have less computer science or mathematical background than the requirements writer.

To alleviate this problem when using a formal notation, retain the natural language specification. In fact, one good idea is to keep the natural language and more formal specification side-by-side on opposing pages. Do a manual check between the two to verify conformity. The results will be that all readers can understand something and that some nonmathematical readers may learn something useful."

Meyer, B., "On Formalism in Specifications," IEEE Software, January 1985.