Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Using Spatial Words Can Help Kids Be More Comfortable With STEM

I like the below news story:

The way you talk with your child can help them to understand science and math

Although there are two points that I would like to consider:

  1. I suspect that the additional time spent with your kids has a bigger impact than the subject matter.
  2. The story focused on very little kids with concepts that they will almost definitely will pick up later if you don't introduce those ideas. However, if they are the last ones to learn those concepts then they might be embarrassed and will shy away from Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).
A diagram showing an object being "rotated to the left."
I know adults that would be hesitant about which way to turn an object if I said, "Please rotate that to the left." They definitely can figure it out but they are not comfortable with the language.

Of course, the same phrase, "rotate to the left," could mean something different to someone from a different part of the world but that consideration is about teaching to consider context.

You might be thinking that this is a silly little thing to put any thought into but imagine what it means to rotate an array to the left or right. Or to rotate a multidimensional array. You quickly start to get into college level computer science and mathematics. And we're still just talking about how to orientate your perspective.

Anyway, I like this story because at the heart of the news story is encouragement for parents to spend more time with their kids and to impart their knowledge.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Provide All The Information The User Needs And Nothing More

An API must include everything a user needs and nothing more. (Jerry Yoakum)

A key part of the design process is the precise definition of each and every software component in the system. This specification will become the "public" part of the component. It must include everything a user needs, such as its purpose, its name, its method of invocation, and details of how it communicates with its environment. Anything that the user does not need should be specifically excluded. In most cases, the algorithms and internal data structures used should be excluded. For if these were "visible," users might utilize this information. Subsequent enhancement or modification then becomes profoundly more difficult because any change to the component has a cascading effect on all components that use it (related to encapsulation).

Parnas, D., "A Technique for Software Module Specification with Examples," CACM (May 1972).

Friday, December 21, 2018

Use Efficient Algorithms

Algorithm analysis is a must for good software design. (Jerry Yoakum)

Knowledge of the theory of algorithm complexity is an absolute prerequisite for being a good designer. Given any specific problem, you could specify an infinite number of alternative algorithms to solve it. The theory of "analysis of algorithms" provides us with the knowledge of how to differentiate between algorithms that will be inherently slow (regardless of how well they are coded) and those that will be orders of magnitude faster. Dozens of excellent books exist on this subject. Every good undergraduate computer science program will offer a course on it.

Horowitz, E. and Sahni, S., Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms, Potomac, MD: Computer Science Press, 1978.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Howl's Moving Castle

Howl's Moving Castle (Howl's Moving Castle, #1)Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Just as another reviewer said the movie made me want to read the book. The catch is either I don't remember the movie or the book is different enough that I can't link them in my mind. Doesn't really matter. I enjoyed the book. I think Calcifer was my favorite character. I'd like to know why he fell.

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Friday, December 14, 2018

Gather 'Round the Sound

Gather 'Round the SoundGather 'Round the Sound by Paulo Coelho
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Good short stories that fit the season. Be warned the first story, "12345," is a bit of a tear jerker.

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Thursday, December 13, 2018

Light Falls: Space, Time, and an Obsession of Einstein

Light Falls: Space, Time, and an Obsession of EinsteinLight Falls: Space, Time, and an Obsession of Einstein by Brian Greene
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Exciting and revealing. Provides insight into the passion that drove Einstein while working on a theory of general relativity.

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Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Write Programs For People First

People are your most valuable resource.
In the early days of computing, computers were relatively slow. Almost anything that could be done to shave off a few instructions was worth the effort. The most efficient use of any of the resources on the very expensive computer system was the major goal. Things have changed. The most valuable resources is now people: people to develop the software, people to maintain the software, and people to enhance capability. With few application exceptions, programmers should think first of the people who will later attempt to understand and adapt the software. Anything that can be done to assist them should be done.1 Efficiency is also important,2 but they are not mutually exclusive. If you need efficiency, that's fine but upgrade the readability of your program so that you don't lose the humans in the process.

  1. Avoid Tricks
    Avoid Global Variables
    Write To Read Top-Down
    Avoid Side-Effects
    Use Meaningful Names
  2. Evaluate Alternatives
    Use Efficient Algorithms
    Get It Right Before You Make It Faster

McConnell, S., Code Complete, Redmond, WA: Microsoft Press, 1993.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Use Meaningful Names

Name tag that says, "Hello. My name is foobar." (posted by Jerry Yoakum)

Some programmers insist on naming variables with names like nflt or nFlight. The usual argument is that it makes programmers more productive because of reduced key presses. Good programmers should spend a very small percentage of their time typing (maybe 10 to 15 percent); most time should be spent thinking. So how much time is really being saved?

A better argument is that overly shortened names actually decrease productivity. There are two reasons:
  1. Testing and maintenance costs rise because people spend time trying to decode names, and
  2. more time is spent typing comments to explain the shortened names!

Ledgard, H., Programming Proverbs, Rochelle Park, NJ: Hayden Book Company, 1975.

Avoid Side-Effects

Pill bottle describing several bad side-effects; such as, nausea, headache, bleeding, etc.

A side-effect of a procedure is something the procedure does that is not its main purpose and that is visible (or whose results are perceivable) from outside the procedure. Side-effects are the sources of many subtle errors in software, that is, the ones that are the most latent and the ones that are most difficult to discover once their symptoms manifest themselves.

Ledgard, H., Programming Proverbs, Rochelle Park, NJ: Hayden Book Company, 1975.

Monday, December 10, 2018

The Whole Art of Detection

The Whole Art of Detection: Lost Mysteries of Sherlock HolmesThe Whole Art of Detection: Lost Mysteries of Sherlock Holmes by Lyndsay Faye
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed Lyndsay Faye's style. She makes Sherlock Holmes into a little bit more of a gentleman, which is pretty cool.

This book follows a journal format and skips back and forth with regard to time and sometimes point-of-view. I imagine that in the print version there is whitespace that indicates a context switch. However, in the audiobook, there really isn't much of a warning.

Overall, a good book. I want more Sherlock Holmes!

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Write To Read Top-Down

Image showing a bird's eye view of city.

People generally read a program from top to bottom. Write your programs to help others understand them. Among the implications of this principle are:
  1. Include a detailed external specification up front to clearly define the program purpose and use.
  2. Specify externally accessed routines, variables, and algorithms up front.
  3. Use the "structured" programming constructs, which are inherently easier to follow.

Kernigham, B., and Plauger, P., The Elements of Programming Style, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1978.

Thursday, December 06, 2018

Avoid Global Variables

Global variables make it hard to find out what code broke the system.

Global variables make it convenient to write programs; after all, if you need to access or change x, you just do it. Unfortunately, if x is ever accessed and found to have an inappropriate value, it is difficult to determine which software component is at fault. "Global" implies that anybody could have altered its value incorrectly.

As an alternative, encapsulate important data in its own module, so that anybody who wants to change it or access it must do so by means of that routine. Alternatively, explicitly pass parameters to routines that need specific data. If you find an excessive number of parameters, perhaps your design needs to be reworked.

Ledgard, H., Programming Practice, Vol II, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1987.

Wednesday, December 05, 2018

Avoid Tricks

Obscure programming results in software that takes longer to make and maintain.

Many programmers love to create programs with tricks. These are constructs that perform a function correctly, but in a particularly obscure manner. Typically, they use a side-effect of a function to implement a primary function. Programmers see these as "clever," but, as Allen Macro points out, they "are often merely the stupid use of high intelligence."
    There are many ways to explain why tricks are used so often:
  1. Programmers are extremely intelligent and want to demonstrate that intelligence.
  2. Maintainers, when they finally figure out how the trick works, will not only recognize how smart the original programmer was, but also will realize how smart they themselves are.
  3. Job security.
Bottom line: Show the world how smart you are by avoiding tricky code!

Macro, A., Software Engineering: Concepts and Management, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall International, 1990.

Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Software Reliability Can Be Achieved Through Redundancy

True software redundancy requires redundant design.

In hardware systems, high reliability or availability (Specify Reliability Specifically) is often achieved through redundancy. Thus, if a system component is expected to exhibit a mean-time-between-failures of x, we can manufacture two or three such components and run them in either:
  1. Parallel. For example, they all do all the work and, when their responses differ, one is turned off with no impact on overall system functionality.
  2. Or cold standby. A backup computer might be powered on only when a hardware failure is detected in the operational computer.
Manufacturing cost is slightly more than doubled. Design cost increases slightly. Reliability increases exponentially.
    In software systems, we cannot use the same approach. If we make two copies of the same software, no increase in reliability will be achieved. In one fails, the other will as well. What can be done, however, is to design (using two different design teams) two versions of the software from the same requirements specification, and deploy them in parallel. Development cost doubles. Reliability increases exponentially. Notice that, in the case of hardware, design increases in cost only slightly, whereas software design cost (the primary cost of software) doubles. Ultrahigh reliability in software is very expensive (High Quality Software Is Possible).

Musa, J., et al., Software Reliability, New York: McGraw Hill, 1987.

Monday, December 03, 2018

"Garbage In, Garbage Out" Is Incorrect

When garbage is put into quality software useful responses to fix the garbage should come out.

Many people quote the expression "garbage in, garbage out" as if it were acceptable for software to behave like this. It is not. If a user provides invalid input data, the program should respond with an intelligent message that describes why the input was invalid. If a software component receives invalid data, it should not process it, but instead should return an error code back to the component that transmitted the invalid data. This mindset helps diminish the domino effect caused by software faults and makes it easier to determine error causes by 1) catching the fault early and 2) preventing subsequent data corruption.

McConnell, S., Code Complete, Redmond, WA: Microsoft Press, 1993.

Saturday, December 01, 2018

Imposter Syndrome

All fields have some amount of imposter syndrome. It happens in Software Engineering a lot. Constantly changing technologies and changing projects can catch a person off-guard and overwhelm them. Often the problem is only in your head. You actually are doing fine, or would be if you gave yourself a chance. Peter J. Denning wrote an excellent article about this called The Beginner's Creed. The creed is all about learning to be expert beginners so new technologies and projects don't overwhelm us.