Friday, April 29, 2022

Prerelease Errors Yield Post-Release Errors

Graph of future uncertainty.

Software with a lot of prerelease errors will also have a lot of post-release errors. This is bad news for developers, but fully supported by empirical data*. The more errors you find in a product, the more you will still find. The best advice is to replace any component with a poor history. Don't throw good money after bad.

If your organization keeps impeccable records then you could use Bayes' theorem to come up with a probability of the number of errors still left in a software component by comparing the current component to a larger population of similar components. More than likely you don't have that kind of data to draw from so you can use this pessimistic heuristic:

How ever many errors have been fixed in the component before release is how many more errors you can expect to still have.

A more optimistic and, hopefully, more accurate approach would be to apply the above heuristic to a quarter-to-quarter or month-to-month timeline. I'm suggesting basic trend projection forecasting so you could get much more creative if you wanted to. However, to my experience, businesses don't want to spend the time and effort needed to gather and process data to do anything more complex. And, there are concerns about employee satisfaction if you go down this rabbit hole because eventually you'll start tying error rates to certain combinations of people on development teams. The slope gets slippery and ROI diminishes. K. I. S. S.

Back to trend project forecasting, when your software reaches the point where your measurement period has zero errors, don't declare the software free of bugs. Instead adjust your measurement period. For example, last month no errors were found so it is time to switch to measuring quarters and so on. This is useful when a stakeholder asks how many bugs are left in the software, and they will ask. You can say, "We don't expect to find any new errors next month but it's probable that we'll find X new errors over the next quarter." If you are really on top of your game, you'll track the variance of errors from period-to-period then you can provide a min-max range (see the graph above).

* Software Defect Removal by Robert Dunn (1984).

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Fix Problems, Not Symptoms

When software fails, you have an obligation to fully understand the cause of the failure, not just to do a cursory analysis and apply a quick fix to what you think is the cause.

Suppose you are trying to trace the cause of a software failure. You have noticed that every time a specific component transmits a value, it is exactly twice the desired value. A quick and dirty solution is to divide the generated value by two just before it is transmitted. This solution is inappropriate because 1) it may not work for all cases, and 2) it leaves the program with what is essentially two errors that compensate for each other, rendering the program virtually unmaintainable in the future. An even worse quick and dirty solution is for the recipient to divide the value it receives by two before using it. This solution has all these problems associated with the first one, plus it causes all future components that invoke the faulty component to receive the wrong value. The correct solution is to examine the program and determine why the value is consistently doubled; then fix it.

Unfortunately, you are going to deal with software that has the two bad ways of fixing errors listed above in them. You'll know it because your coworkers will warn you that making unrequested fixes might break other things. This is why it is so important to report issues and getting sign-off from everyone involved before changing code.


McConnell, S., Code Complete, Redmond, WA: Microsoft Press, 1993.