Wednesday, July 26, 2006

XML - No Silver Bullet

Several years ago, when XML was just a buzzword and I was an undergrad in Computer Science, I went to a technical presentation / recruiting talk given by Cerner at my university. One of the "big" reasons to go work at Cerner was that they were cutting-edge; they were using XML. I gave the presenter some flak on that point. XML is no silver bullet. No one would consider listening to me, an undergrad with very little experience, not even the professors who should have known better*. Maybe someone with more experience can be more convincing....

ACM Queue vol. 4, no. 5 - June 2006 by Alex E. Bell, The Boeing Company

* In retrospect, the professors were being politically correct. This is a business that funds scholarships, hires students, and took the time to give a presentation.