Saturday, December 06, 2014

From Sensing An Opportunity To Implementing An Idea

That's when you know -- you can't sleep because you're thinking about this idea incessantly. -Mona Bijoor, Founder of Joor
The above quote was listed under the heading "On Sensing An Opportunity" in the November 2014 issue of Inc. magazine. I completely agree that always thinking about an idea is an indicator that you are sensing an opportunity. Great! You have sensed an opportunity now what should you do about it?

Write down your idea. It is time to stop just day-dreaming and get to work turning the idea into a reality. Writing down your idea will make it easier to improve, share, and implement. Before trying to improve, share, or implement your idea you need to start thinking about it with purpose.

What is needed to make the idea a reality? How much would it cost? Be sure to break down the costs. One grand sum may be useful for a bottom line but everyone who is serious about your idea will want the details. How will the idea either make money (business venture) or pay for itself (charitable effort)? What percentage of people really want this? Etc.

I can't list out all the questions because many will be specific to your idea. The point is that once you sense an opportunity it is time to stop thinking about how great the idea is and start thinking about how to get it implemented.