Jerry Yoakum's thoughts on software engineering and architecture from experience working with code, computer science, python, java, APIs, NASA, data mining, math, etc.
Monday, June 10, 2019
Programming Language Is Not An Excuse
Some projects are forced to use a less-than-ideal programming language. This might be caused by a desire to reduce maintenance costs ("All our maintainers know RPG"), to program fast ("It is so easy to get a fully featured application with Python"), to ensure high reliability ("Ada programs are the most fail-safe"), or to achieve high execution speed ("Our applications are time-critical, we need to use C"). It is possible to write quality programs in any language. In fact, if you are a good programmer, you should be a good programmer in any language; a less-than-ideal language might make you work harder, though.
Yourdon, E., How to Manage Structured Programming, New York: Yourdon, Inc., 1976.