Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Good Management Is More Important Than Good Technology

Good management motivates people to do their best. Poor management demotivates people. All the great technology in the world will not compensate for poor management. And good management can actually produce great results even with meager resources. Successful software startups do not become successful because they have great process or great tools (or great products for that matter!). Most have been successful because of great management and great marketing.

As a manager, you have a responsibility to do your best. There are no universally "right" styles of management. Management style must be adapted to the situation. It is not uncommon for a successful leader to be an autocrat in one situation and a consensus-based leader in another, just a few minutes later. Some styles are innate. Others can be learned. If necessary, read books and take short courses on management style.

Fenton, N., "How Effective Are Software Engineering Methods?" Journal of Systems and Software, August 1993.