Friday, March 06, 2020

Enneagram Test

A year ago I took an online Enneagram test. My top two personality types were:

  1. The Achiever
  2. The Perfectionist

Is it all mumbo-jumbo? Is it accurate? I don't know but that doesn't mean it can't be helpful. It is a good way to practice some self-reflection. It can act as an aid to give me some points to consider. You might find it fun to read the core values for each of the Enneagram types and consider which you most closely align with. Or try to develop your own core values. Doing so from scratch is a fairly difficult thing to do. There is nothing wrong from taking what you agree with from each of the Enneagram types.

Our beliefs change over time so it is valuable to test ourselves on occasion. I know my political beliefs have changed. The funny thing is that my friends noticed more quickly than I did. We hold onto labels even though our beliefs change and the labels become inaccurate.